On OSX 10.11, Max 7 crashes if the antescofo~ object includes an @outlet endbang while trying to load a score. This occurs both in my own patch, as well as the “outlets” tutorial patch included in the antescofo help patches.
Here’s the stack trace from the OSX after the crash:
Thread 0 Crashed:: CrBrowserMain Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
0 antescofo~ 0x0d6199ba antescofo::antescofo_action_out_endbang(int) + 26
1 antescofo~ 0x0d5ee411 antescofo_core::antescofo_action_out_endbang() + 97
2 antescofo~ 0x0d61766a antescofo::LoadScore(long, atom*) + 170
3 antescofo~ 0x0d60f9c2 loadscore(_antescofo*, symbol*, long, atom*) + 34
4 com.cycling74.Max 0x000c322b typedmess_fun + 295
5 com.cycling74.Max 0x00137315 outlet_anything + 553
6 com.cycling74.Max 0x000c322b typedmess_fun + 295
7 com.cycling74.Max 0x000c2e89 typedmess + 72
8 com.cycling74.Max 0x000c3ce3 aeval + 1094
9 com.cycling74.Max 0x00098d01 atombuf_eval + 165
10 com.cycling74.message 0x0cfe0935 jmessage_atombuf_eval + 313
11 com.cycling74.message 0x0cfe0a49 jmessage_dobang + 133
12 com.cycling74.message 0x0cfdf0e2 jmessage_mousedown + 205
13 com.cycling74.Max 0x00203a54 BoxComponent::sendMouseMessage(juce::MouseEvent const&, symbol*) + 202
14 com.cycling74.Max 0x002044a4 BoxComponent::mouseDown(juce::MouseEvent const&) + 1248
15 com.cycling74.Max 0x0047be99 juce::Component::internalMouseDown(juce::MouseInputSource&, juce::Point const&, juce::Time const&) + 661
16 com.cycling74.Max 0x004cf132 juce::MouseInputSourceInternal::sendMouseDown(juce::Component*, juce::Point const&, long long) + 106
17 com.cycling74.Max 0x004cee4a juce::MouseInputSourceInternal::setButtons(juce::Point const&, long long, juce::ModifierKeys const&) + 376
18 com.cycling74.Max 0x004ce4a1 juce::MouseInputSourceInternal::handleEvent(juce::ComponentPeer*, juce::Point const&, long long, juce::ModifierKeys const&) + 159
19 com.cycling74.Max 0x004cdf9f juce::MouseInputSource::handleEvent(juce::ComponentPeer*, juce::Point const&, long long, juce::ModifierKeys const&) + 77
20 com.cycling74.Max 0x004d378b juce::ComponentPeer::handleMouseEvent(int, juce::Point const&, juce::ModifierKeys const&, long long) + 101
21 com.cycling74.Max 0x0055af1f juce::NSViewComponentPeer::sendMouseEvent(NSEvent*) + 171
22 com.cycling74.Max 0x0055afa1 juce::NSViewComponentPeer::redirectMouseDown(NSEvent*) + 121
23 com.cycling74.Max 0x0055734c -[JuceNSView_1_52_105_3 asyncMouseDown:] + 34
24 com.cycling74.Max 0x00557324 -[JuceNSView_1_52_105_3 mouseDown:] + 83
25 com.apple.AppKit 0x99301e1b -[NSWindow _handleMouseDownEvent:isDelayedEvent:] + 6266
26 com.apple.AppKit 0x99303622 -[NSWindow _reallySendEvent:isDelayedEvent:] + 2303
27 com.apple.AppKit 0x98ca093f -[NSWindow sendEvent:] + 567
28 com.apple.AppKit 0x98c1be12 -[NSApplication sendEvent:] + 2919
29 com.cycling74.Max 0x0040cd68 -[MaxCefApplication sendEvent:] + 130
30 com.apple.AppKit 0x98a6f29b -[NSApplication run] + 1159
31 com.cycling74.Max 0x0040ccb9 -[MaxCefApplication run] + 58
32 com.cycling74.chromium 0x00e42c6e 0xd16000 + 1231982
33 com.cycling74.chromium 0x00e4254c 0xd16000 + 1230156
34 com.cycling74.chromium 0x00e85fd2 0xd16000 + 1507282
35 com.cycling74.chromium 0x00ea0c7e 0xd16000 + 1617022
36 com.cycling74.chromium 0x00e859ba 0xd16000 + 1505722
37 com.cycling74.chromium 0x00d8eade 0xd16000 + 494302
38 com.cycling74.Max 0x0040ccc7 -[MaxCefApplication run] + 72
39 com.cycling74.Max 0x0056014f juce::MessageManager::runDispatchLoop() + 589
40 com.cycling74.Max 0x00422794 juce::JUCEApplication::main(juce::StringArray const&) + 62
41 com.cycling74.Max 0x004228a9 juce::JUCEApplication::main(int, char const**) + 73
42 com.cycling74.Max 0x00096055 start + 53