I might be wrong but there seems to be some incompatibility between the bowing connection which requires 2 accesses, and the free circular plate object, which requires only one access.
I get the following error message:
“access controler doesn’t have the right dimension”.
Here is my code. Thanks!
(load-component "connection")
(defvar my-bow)
(setq my-bow (make-object 'bi-two-mass
(small-mass .05)
(large-mass .05)
(stiffness0 50000)
(stiffness1 50000)
(freq-loss0 100)
(freq-loss1 100)
(const-loss0 0)
(const-loss1 0)))
(defvar my-plate-A)
(setq my-plate-A
(make-object 'free-circ-plate
(modes 150)
(thickness .1)
(freq-loss .05) ;.01 .1 .05
(const-loss .05) ; .5
;; parametres plaque
(young 7.9e10)
(poisson .43)
(density 19300))
;; variable frequence
'radius (/ 220 2))) ; 0.30898876
;;; make bowed connection
(defvar my-bow-h-bpt)
(setq my-bow-h-bpt (make-access my-bow 1 'trans0))
(defvar my-bow-v-bpt)
(setq my-bow-v-bpt (make-access my-bow 1 'trans1))
(defvar my-plate-A-v-bpt)
(setq my-plate-A-v-bpt (make-access my-plate-A (const 1.) 'normal))
(defvar bc)
(setq bc (make-connection 'bow
my-bow-v-bpt my-bow-h-bpt .01
my-plate-A-v-bpt 1
'(2 10 5 4)))
;;; push the bow
(defvar my-bow-h-mov)
(setq my-bow-h-mov (make-access my-bow (const 0) 'trans0))
(defvar my-bow-v-mov)
(setq my-bow-v-mov (make-access my-bow (const 0) 'trans1))
(make-connection 'speed my-bow-h-mov
(make-controller 'envelope 1
(list (list 0.00 1)
(list 0.10 4)
(list 3.9 1))))
(make-connection 'position my-bow-v-mov
(make-controller 'envelope 1
(list (list 0.0 0.010)
(list 0.2 -0.001)
(list 0.4 -0.001)
(list 0.5 0.010)
(list 0.6 0.010)
(list 0.7 -0.001)
(list 1.2 -0.001)
(list 1.3 0.010)
(list 3.9 0.010))))
(setq my-plate-A-out.l (make-access my-plate-A (const 0.08 90) 'normal))
(setq my-plate-A-out.r (make-access my-plate-A (const 0.08 90) 'normal))
(make-point-output my-plate-A-out.l 0 (make-controller 'envelope 1
(list (list 0. 0)
(list .2 .5) ;.4!
(list 3. .5)
(list 3.9 0))))
(make-point-output my-plate-A-out.r 1 (make-controller 'envelope 1
(list (list 0. 0)
(list .2 .5)
(list 3. .5)
(list 3.9 0))))
(run 4)