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AudioSculpt 4 — On its Release and New Features


A few months ago, I saw Frederick Rousseau’s talk in Ateliers du Forum. He talked a bit about AudioSculpt 4, but not with much detail. Has a date been scheduled for its release already, and what are the top-tier new features that underly this new generational leap of AudioSculpt?

I’ve been using AudioSculpt for years quite intensely, I’m really looking forward to this new release.

All the best,

Hi all,

AS 4 or AS XR, what’s the future of AudioSculpt ? Any news about pm2 and SuperVP ?

Many THX in advance,



as a first step there will be new release of the IrcamLAB TS software (name not yet clear). I am no longer directly involved in the process but as far as I know the release is pretty close. This new release is understood to contain the fundamental GUI elements of version 4 of AudioSculpt. The development of AS 4 is expected to start soon after this release. There remains a whole lot of work so we don’t have a clear idea of when AS 4 (or whatever the name will be) might be available.

With respect to PM2 and SuperVP. These two are actively maintained and should not pose major problems with Catalina.


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Any ideas as to the likelihood of Audiosculpt continuing development? TS has been out a while now.
The university finally had to upgrade the labs’ OS, so that’s AS gone.

Best wishes,


Dear Rick,

Yes, indeed. After IrcamLAB TS the next step is the Partiels project


Partiels had its first public release a few days (or weeks) ago. Partiels uses the SuperVP kernel to implement all (or nearly all) analysis algorithms that previously were available in AudioSculpt
in form of VAMP compatible plugins. Therefore Partiels not only proposes the analysis that were available before in AS but allows you to use other vamp plugins if you need analysis that are not provided by SuperVP.

For this first release Partiels does not yet provide all the analysis available in AS and does not provide all means (as far as I know editing analysis is not yet available).
On the positive side there a few things that Partiels allows you to do that you could not do in AS.
Notably it supports windows and Linux and supports displaying handling multiple sounds.
If you have questions for the plans you best pose them in the Partiels discussion room.


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Hi Axel,

Frankly, I don’t understand at all what’s the point of deprecating AudioSculpt and replacing it with Partiels. It seems to me that a new 64-bit version of AudioSculpt would be far, far better.

All the best,

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Partiels doesn’t replace AudioSculpt. As Axel explained, it is exclusively dedicated to sound analysis so you can use it as an alternative to AS3 analysis part (so you can’t do sound transformation with the application but you can use the results in Max, OM, etc.). The first version of the SuperVP as a Vamp plugin has been released. A new version is in preparation and PM2 (partials tracking and chords), Ircam Beat & Ircam Descriptors plugins are also being developed. And we just start a new project to develop alternatives to some of the sound transformations available in AS3 (it’s not AS4 but we do with the short time and the means that we have…).

All the best,

Hi Pierre,

I’m aware that research and software development at IRCAM is done by a small team running on a tight (and perhaps ever tighter) budget. This said, deprecating AudioSculpt and replacing it with Partiels (and other apps) still doesn’t make much sense to me.

Anyway, I have AudioSculpt 3.4.6 on my system (macOS Big Sur) via virtual machine but I was really looking forward to AudioSculpt 4.

All the best,

Thanks. I’ll just wait for AS4 then. TS is nice enough, but certainly not meant to replace it. I am under the impression that the new AS4 interface might resemble TS. Yes? I can see the advantages there. The automation tools are cleaner by far. That said (to me) there’s a lot of ‘extra’ visual in the interface that seems more graphically decorative than informative, but that’s possibly because I’m not used to it yet. AS3 is really clean in that respect (but editable key bindings for actions/tools would be really groovy).

Thanks for the response.


Hi Rick,

Unfortunately and surprisingly (to me at least), it seems that there won’t be a fourth generation of AudioSculpt.

All the best,

Thanks Antonio,
I suppose crying is an inappropriate response for an adult! I’ve been trying to use Audition, iZotope, metasyth(!) and Spectral Layers. but nothing comes close. It was a beautiful thing while it lasted.
But thanks for the update. Better to know one way or the other.



Building on this theme,

what specific features are you missing that you can’t find elsewhere?


Easily editable/movable/scalable spectral regions, and as far as I can tell, the spectral editing on iZotope is actually very precise resonant filters, but still filters, so the start and stop of the filter includes a resonance artefact. That actually might be Audition, but neither wants you to move spectral regions around. You CAN do it, but it’s not straightforward.

Tracks of editable spectral regions that can be moved on the timeline.

Some of this might be available in Spectral Layers, but I can’t tell.


Dear Greg,

With TS2, Partials, SPEAR, and others softwares using SuperVP and PM2 (Max and OM) you can do a lot of things that appeared with AudioSculpt, but you have to match them… Which is not easy and takes time. You have to make it turn around the SDIF…

With AS we did this in one software… so I kept an old laptop just for it and some old stuff. I use it for every production in post-mastering or sound design.

To decide to do without AudioSculpt (as we had to forget Diphone) does not bode well


Hi Jérôme,

Exactly, AudioSculpt is also a one-stop workstation for me. And I wish it had remained that way, and that’s why I’ve kept using it on a virtual machine (I’m on macOS Big Sur.)

All the best,

This might interest you (or not): About the obsolescence of AudioSculpt

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