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Audio processing & spatialization in OM


Are there some libraries currently maintained (and hopefully long term supported) for audio processing and spatialization?

I checked omsox and omprisma but both aren’t working (om-audio and ‘limit’ errors respectively)

currently trying omspat but looking for other alternatives


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Dear rc0,

Excuse me if I allow myself to share my little knowledge of some libraries that could be useful for you, since you didn’t mention them in your question. From the following link OpenMusic Libraries | OpenMusic you can download OMChroma (which has the STEREO-1 and STEREO-2 objects) and OM-Spat, which is entirely dedicated to spatialization, if I understood correctly. I also add the library of M°Lanza om4csound which has functions for panning and spatialization.
I hope I was helpful and I will continue to follow the topic, curious to know about other libraries.
Warm greetings to the whole community and happy new year to everyone!


Hi rc

Yes sox and prisma libraries are 3rd party libraries. Please do contact the author for these issues.
They need to be upggraded.

You can also use on2csound for audio processing, Csound iis very powerfiull in this field.
Concerning spatialization i recommend OMSpat which is a leader in this field.


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