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Currently I’m unable to export any usable audio files from Orchids 9.2.

To wit, selecting “Export As Audio File” as found on the Orchestra page, yields a mono file which is radically truncated (i.e. it is consistently shorter than the original file), while selecting “Export Tracks to Folder” generates X-number of tracks of abrasive digital noise at a robust OdBFS.

Employing the “Record Output Audio” option from either the Orchestra or the Maquette pages produces stereo digital noise similar to the multi-track garbage.

Thus the only way I can output usable audio presently is to route the signal to the host of my choice via SoundFlower.

Note that I did not have this problem in Orchids 9.1.

Any ideas?

Mac OS X 7.5; MacPro 2 x 2.8 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon; 20 GB of RAM

hello EARSHOT21

Do you feel concerned by this post ?



…………………………………………………………………… jerome

It is indeed a very odd problem, but this might relate to your soundcard configuration ? Have you checked the “Audio setup” properties (on the first “Main” panel, the button at the bottom right should open your current sound configuration) ?

Yes, I’ve checked the “Audio setup properties on the first Main panel," many times, as that is where I have to go in order to select SOUNDFLOWER.

I experience the same audio export issues already described, regardless of whether I select “Internal Speakers” or “Digidesign MBox2 Pro,” as my output device of choice.

I’ve also experimented w/ changing the settings of the “I/O Vector Size” as found on the Audio Setup pane, but to no avail.

(Speaking of which, what does “Signal Vector Size” pertain to?)

Any other ideas???