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Atom & Antescofo


Here are beta versions of a grammar package and themes which make it possible to highlight the syntax of the Antescofo Language in the Atom Editor :




An install click is available in the Atom’s preferences for the package and the themes.

The atom-antescofo package (The grammar package) is sufficient to make the syntax work. It is available thanks to Clément Poncelet.

We’ve added two simple themes atom-antescofo-syntax and atom-antescofo-light-syntax to make it easy to tweak the highlight colors at your convenience leaving the core grammar package untouched. You still can tweak the grammar package’s style file, if you would like to, it will only be reflected locally.

You are welcome to contribute and there is, of course, a “Bugs” tab on the Atom’s site and a “Report Issue” tab in Atom’s preferences under the package and theme’s settings for troubleshooting

N.B. I would like to apologize for those who already downloaded the syntax themes and couldn’t make them work because of the lack of the grammar package.

Take care.
