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Ascograph & Sublime Text


I’ve installed the text-highlights in sublime-text and it works fine, thanks to Julia Blondeau.
I was wondering if there’s a reload (like the web browser one) option in sublime-text ?
In the same file, edition in ascograph is updated in sublime-text but not the other way around…




just to make sure: Are you looking for Ascograph auto refresh when file is saved outside, or Sublime refresh if saved outside?

yes Ascograph auto refresh when file is saved outside. (Sublime does when file is saved in Ascograph)

thanks Arshia

@ Nadir
Can you give me a hint for installing the “text-highlights” package. Do you install it via “instalL package” command in , I cannot find it there…



here’s Julia Blondeau’s post about her release and its installation : http://forumnet.ircam.fr/fr/user-groups/antescofo/forum/topic/antescofo-syntax-color-for-sublime-text-3/

is it ok ?


@ Nadir B.
thanks a lot, it worked.

@nadir-b: The fact that AscoGraph does not refresh when file is modified outside is a missing functionality already on top of our priority list. We are currently in the process of finalizing the recrutement of a dedicated developper for AscoGraph who should overcome such shortcomings pretty quickly. That’s why AscoGraph has been moving more slowly in the past few months but it’ll accelerate soon… stay tuned…

Ascograph is already quite handy ! these are but wonder requests…
By the way, I’ve noticed that @insert text files are updated in ascograph when refreshed from the outside… probably reloaded when the score is saved

Bye now

Hello !
I just want to give the last version of the Sublime coloration for Antescofo Package. (with many new Antescofo functions integrated)

In Sublime, you just need to go to Preferences->Browse Packages, and select the Package/User folder and drag what is contained in the folder “AntesColor” of attached ZIP file.
In your User folder there are two things:

  • JBLO1.tmTheme
  • JBLO1-light.tmTheme
  • Antescofo folder.

Then you choose the JBLO1 or JBLO1-light in Preferences/Color Schemes/user

Now, You can open an Antescofo file and Sublime load the Antescofo coloration directly.

enjoy !


AntesColor.zip (11.3 KB)

many thanks Julia !
