Hello @jojocello.
Unfortunately, there are no time signatures in an Antescofo score. The comments like
; ----------- measure 1 --- beat 0.2 --- time signature 12/8
are misleading. They are generated from information present in the MusicXML source, but have no counterpart in the Antescofo musical event’s specification. They are added as comment (sarting with a “;”) by the translator.
Because this information does not exists in the score (comments are removed before analysis), the @bach_score function is unable to send to Bach the corresponding definitions.
If by some means you have access to a description of the time signature, you can send it to Bach.roll independantly of the message sent by Antescofo.
For your second question, the answer is similar: there is no specification of note velocity in Antescofo score. And so @bach_score() send always the same velocity. If some note are louder, this is perhaps a bug in the Bach playback.
If you want time signature and note nuances, you can proceed differently:
Use your MusicXML score to feed a Bach.roll object. So you will have all infos present in the richer score description.
Translate your MusicXML score into an Antescofo score. You will loose some information (nuance, time signature) but the duration are kept and the Antescofo score is “aligned” with the Bach.roll.
Do NOT use @bach_score() to fill Bach.roll. It is already filled. You just have to send during the performance the information for the current position, as it is already done in your patch using the dedicated antescofo~ outlet. The cursor in the “full” Bach.score will be synchronized with Antescofo.
The only problems with this approach is when you change the score: you have to change the initial score, re-generate a MusicXML and regenerate an Antescofo score.