Fundamental Analysis sdif/txt parameters
What does the differents data refer to?
For example I got a list of 5 column:
0.275022675736961 333.095275878906250 0.8444882035255 0.818155527114868 0.055422376841307
0.279172335600907 332.260437011718750 0.817870974540710 0.675731658935547 0.062232207506895
0.283344671201814 328.637573242187500 0.78286832571029 0.63606327772140 0.047893941402435
Column 1 is obviously the time, the 2e is the frequency F0, but for the amplitude
hard to guess between the 3e or the 4e, and what mean the 5th column… cannot find any documentation about that.
By the way, using the data I got pretty good and accurate result.