Dear All —
D’abord, j’espère que vous allez bien pendant que tout commence à rouvrir ! …
If anybody can help, I am having trouble installing the Analysis/Synthesis Command Line Tools on a new Mac. That is, a 2017 Macbook Pro running Mojave 10.14.6. All other forum software installs fine on this machine. When I launch Install Commandline from within the AS Kernels folder, AudioSculpt goes into AppTranslocation and is remounted on a volume whose path is given in the following window that appears:
Shell configuration updated to use /private/var/folders/z8/nmc2f03s1pn3r7p_k6n6z1xc0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/8B340365-C2F8-43BE-B521-57ABFE3D0514/d
Running supervp and pm2 commands in the shell continues to return “command not found” errors.
I tried a few possible solutions: First, following this post I removed the Current Settings.xml file, which worked for qcmv22 in a similar situation. This failed to solve my issue, so eventually I found other situations where users attempted to remove possible quarantines on their app contents by running xattr, as we’ve had to do often in Catalina. I used the following command:
xattr -dr /Applications/AudioSculpt\ 3.4.6/AudioSculpt\
but this did not solve it either.
I have another Mojave machine running these same command line tools successfully, but I cannot tell what causes the problem on my new machine. It was so long ago when I first installed them, so I don’t remember any alternate steps taken. I can use this older machine, but I would very much like to solve this for current and future situations as well.
Thanks so much for considering! —