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Antescofo vs. Spat5/OSC syntax

it may be very trivial
When upgrading some patches using Antescofo and some old Spat to Spat5, when I’m using OSC syntax to control Spat5 in Antescofo, it reports me the following error:

antescofo~: syntax error, unexpected /, expecting <end of line>

it could be for instance when using the following line in antescofo:

reverb-ctl /tr0 2.5

Is there a (trivial) way to fix that issue ?
Thank’s in advance

Hello fredvoisin.

To solve the problem, just use quotes :

reverb-ctl "/tr0" 2.5

the symbol /tr0 is not recognized as a symbol but as the division operator followed by a symbol (because expression are allowed in message arguments (but it is better to put these expressions between parenthesis)).

Thank’s Jean-Louis,
I was expecting that this a solution, I now know it’s the official one :slight_smile:
