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Antescofo sequencer player

Version 0.42 of Antescofo is better than ever. And the tutorials are very helpful. One aspect that particularly interested me is sequencer playback of the Antescofo score to check the score and the action messages. I would like to use the ‘notenum’ output to play a simple GM synth (e.g. clarinet sound) and send the audio of the synth into the processing chain so as to checking the processing through delays, pitch sifters, recorder/players, etc. So far I cannot find midi ‘note offs’ so the ‘notenum’ output only sends midi ‘noteon’ messages I have tried to use ‘anteIOI’ for durations but still have trouble turning off notes. Is there anything in the Antescofo attributes that will give 'note off’s and do you have a simple max patch GM synth that can be written into a patch? I understand that OS X has a built-in DLS synth that is utilized in the Max object ‘noteout’ but I don’t know how to get the output into my processing chain. Thanks for your help.

Thank you Larry… All the credits for the tutorial goes to Andrea Agostini who is among others a great composer and programmer.

As you have noticed, the MIDI composition message is a little bit messy! It’s shown in the [p MIDI-Listener] patcher in the Max help files.

What I’m going to do is to build a proper MIDIOUT outlet, that outputs standard MIDI messages. Thanks for bringing this up. We’ll put it high on the list. Will let you know as soon as it’s out.

Version 0.42.1 just uploaded. It has a dedicated outlet option called MIDIOUT that outputs cooked MIDI messages.

I simplified the HELP patch accordingly. It works both on sequencing and live following.

I also found some minor errors on polyphonic following!! The help file has now an additional piano example (Chopin’s C-minor Prelude).

Happy new year! :slight_smile: