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Antescofo, Max4Live, Ableton

Has anyone tried integrating Antescofo and Ableton Live via M4L? I’m interested in the possibilities for creating an Live environment for improvising.

Hi Glen. I’d also be very interested in doing that with a push 2 and/or a morph.

It has been down in the past by Thomas Coffy. There is nothing that prevents in principle to use antescofo~with M4L, but the recent versions have not been tested in this setting.


Its not a full midi interface but antesco~ has been used with OpenStageControl, take a look at Using Open Stage Control - AntescofoDoc

Thanks for this. It is a start. Do you know if Arshia has been working on this, perhaps with an IRCAM resident?

No, there was no residency on this subject. The idea emerges again for an Ircam production last year, to ease the exchanges between a (Live friendly) composer and his RIM, but finally the project was kept to Max.
As far I remember, using antescofo through Max4Live was straightforward, without raising any specific problems. I am ignorant in Live and M4L, which prevents me from answering more precisely, but I will ask the RIM around me. I would also be happy to know the problems encountered to integrate antescofo to Live and to help if needed (on the antescofo side).

Hey @glenhall : There is no “limitation” on the use of Antescofo Max objects in M4L and it should work like a charm.

I can think of several people who have used Antescofo in M4L, mostly to use the sequencing language of Antescofo along with its “temporal” capabilities with other Ableton processes. One, if I’m not mistaken is the Odei experimental Jazz group who did an Ircam Live Concert years back.

All in all: It just works! :slight_smile: I’d say start experimenting and report back here if you run into any issues or for sharing! :slight_smile:

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I began watching your Antescofo presentation for the Montreal symposium. Along with Arshia’s response, I realised that I need to do a thorough go-through of the Antescofo tutorials before I can really begin to branch out into making patches for purely improvised music. I began with the first Antescofo tutorials, but by tut2 there was a problem. Neither the audio sample nor the score appeared when the required ‘buttons’ were clicked. Do I have to re-download Antescofo and place files in a particular Max 8 folder? I can’t seem to find any documentation on how to place the Antescofo files in any Max folders. If I am to start at the beginning, I want to have everything your team have created available from the beginning, with no guess work on my part.

If you have any suggestions on what I can focus on while I go through the tutorials, given my focus on creating Antescofo patches for improvised music, please let me know. I greatly appreciate your help and guidance.

Hi @glenhall . If you put the Antescofo folder in the regular Max8 Packages folder (in the Documents folder of your machine), then everything should work without any problem.

For antescofo scores: Antescofo object is aware of all paths you declared as accessible to your patch. So if you put them anywhere in your project whose path is accessible to your Patch, then Antescofo~ should be able to find it (both Pd and Max).

You are right about the tutorial being outdated! Some links are dead and some objects in the tutorial (ones belonging to CNMAT) are out! Giving me the occasion to call my expert friends to update the Help patches for the next release: @goepfer @muller @lemouton :wink:
