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Antescofo + Max4Live Ableton set for examination?

Hi there. I’m struggling a bit trying to make all the moving parts fit together in the context of M4L - does anyone feel like sharing a simple Ableton Live set showing a basic practical example of the use of Antescofo in M4L? As long as it works, I can adapt it from there. Thanks in advance for any replies!

hi! here’s a very basic one attached. go ahead and use your own sounds/scores.

i haven’t found a way to open Ascograph except for doubleclicking on the antescofo~ object. is there a message i’m missing? would come in handy so we don’t have to includ antescofo~ into the presentation

antescofo-Project.zip (862 KB)

AscoGraph is actually a “standalone” application. We just configured the Antescofo object for Max so that upon double-click: (1) it opens the AscoGraph application (any copy that exist in Max paths) and (2) it initiates OSC communication.

If AscoGraph is already open, double-clicking will re-initiate OSC connection (useful if connection is lost or you relaunch Max/Live). Turning AscoGraph communication ON/OFF as well as network ports are all object attributes that you change by messages and/or from Max Inspector (see object inspector). Would you like us to implement methods like “Ascograph open” and “ascograph close”?!

FYI PureData users: Is there a double-click method for Pd objects?! I didn’t find any… Pd users should launch application separately and initiate communications! Any hints or suggestions?

Thank you very much! I’ve opened it and begun experimenting, I’ll post when I’ve got a score up and working.


Would you like us to implement methods like “Ascograph open” and “ascograph close”

Yes, I think these would come in quite handy in certain situations, like when using Presentation Mode as I explained before. Cheers!

I just developped the [ascograph open] and [ascograph close] methods for opening/closing via Max/Pd GUI. We will do a release soon.

Thanks to your suggestion, accessing AscoGraph will now become very easy for PUREDATA users who did not have the luxury of double-clicking on the object! We will let them know that it’s thanks to you… . Stay tuned for a new release (within a week or so).