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Antescofo following glitch - violin gliss

Hi team!

I’m working on following a solo violin part, which contains a bunch of extended techniques and ambiguous notation. See attached.
(I don’t have access to the score right now – I’ll post a picture on Monday)

The super-high sounds and the glissandos are notated by squiggly lines - they’re not linear and the performances vary quite a bit. I find that in ~80% of cases, the AscoGraph cursor gets caught inside the 2nd glissando and moves backwards within the gliss…

I wouldn’t have a big problem with a mistaken gliss detection, but is it OK for the cursor to actually skip backwards?

btw, the .asco file starts with silence because this is just an excerpt, the whole part is full of small cues like this one, separated by seconds of silence.


vn-b.asco (245 Bytes)


This is an excellent and powerful example! Thanks for sharing… .

By default, Antescofo’s detection cursor never goes back between high-level events unless explicitly stated so using [preventzigzag off] message which is not recommended during concerts for obvious reasons. However, it is totally possible that the cursor goes around inside Compound Events (at low-level) which is your case: You have a MULTI simulating a descending linear glissando but the violinist actually plays two glissandi within the same range!

You can (ab)use this behavior for “libre” gestures such as glissando with non-determined ending: In this scheme, Antescofo can partially detect sub-events of the glissando and move on to other events as desired. When doing this, you need to pay attention to what is BEFORE and AFTER your glissando. In your example things are find because there are not that many common elements (notes/chords) between consecutive events. When there are, then you need to be careful with the notation.

Let us know if you run into any problem. And don’t forget to announce your event on http://forumnet.ircam.fr/forumnet-events/ by creating an event with an Antescofo tag for others to see.

Thanks for the explanation Arshia.

For reference, I attached the score fragment (see the V staff). If you can think of a better way to notate these gestures, let me know… as it is, we sometimes get the first MULTI event detected while the TRILL before it is still being played. This has to do with the common elements issue you mention above.


Your notation using MULTI seems to be the right way to go.

Regarding the TRILL moving early to MULTI because of common note: Just increase the duration of your TRILL! You might encounter entering MULTI a little bit late (for example on its second note) but it’s probably safer if you have actions hooked to your MULTI