Perhaps it’s a Max 7 effect, but I never meet this before :
During some time ( 2 or 3 minutes) I have no possibility to change OVERDRIVE, which was grey.
At this time, I was editing and reload the same score. I was using antescofo~.maxhelp.
Max seems to find something but all others items in the max menu was ok and respond under the mouse.
I try to use antescofo but it seem not working. After some try of antescofo, I choose again "overdrive"
without any success, and suddently "overdrive" was selectable as normal.
“printscore” and/or “printaction” don’t work : Error: unable to open temporary file `/tmp/tmp.antescofo.listening.txt.a00740’
In ref doc pdf, in list of messages to antescofo~, there isn’t “printaction” but “printfwd” …
to complete what Mathieu wrote, here some minors remarks on the patch antescofo~.maxhelp and pdf doc ref.
Deprecated files :
Anteescofo keep a pointer on an old file score even if we load a new score in antescofo
It seem that there is no really difference between the two message “nextevent” et “nextaction” : in “antescofo~.maxhelp” with “nextaction” by default we can execute some events (?)
nothing on “@modulate” dans la doc pdf de reference
no automatic reload if we change and save the “@insert score” (but it’s working for the score).
In pdf reference doc : in example “4-tempo_curve.asco.txt”
wrong comment of the line :
“4 {200} @type “cubic” ; the interpolation between 60 and 200 take 3 beats ant it is cubic”
it’s from 200 to 60 no ?
page 8 : difference between “user-defined macros” et “macro definition” ? It seem we haven’t any exemple of “macro definition” in the pdf doc, only “user-defined macros” no ?
PAGE 15 "" could be better read if there is a '’ sign means “zero or more” (syntax repetition).
PAGE 18 : there is five pts in ref pdf, but 4 is suffisant
because “A simple identifier or a string or an integer acts as a label for this event.” is not a new point
PAGE 50 : on graphic, in Y it is $y et non $a
PAGE 53 “In the simple example above, the time step or grain size ((@grain) attribute) and tbreakpoints’”
PAGE 59 : at the line of example : “{ print “OK” $ } during [2 #]” manque le X after ‘$’ in expression $X
PAGE 59 : logic (($cpt < 1) $X) does missing “and” or something as that ?
PAGE 114 “Monotoring”
----- In patcher antescofo~.maxhelp :
In antescofo~.maxhelp, the patcher “p readme” du patch “antescofo~.maxhelp” is deprecated.
Don’t hide on lock the “receive psound”, it will be esasier what psound means in the 5 scores in example…
Button in Ascograph, it is call “nextevent” or “nextaction” ? in anterscofo~.maxhelp it’s “nextaction” which is write.
“getcues” in “patcher PerformanceControl” : out of the OUTLET for any loaded score. —> nothing on ‘getcues’ in pdf ref.
In antescofo~.maxhelp we find this sentence :
“The Antescofo object accepts predefined message sent to antescofo-mess1. These messages corresponds to the internal commands described in section 4.6.” it is an default receive name in antescofo~ ?