hello omlisters,
I happen to have an internal maquette with some score objects. some come from xmulti instances. after upgrading to Mojave (but perhaps it’s not related) when I press m for showing contents I get the error: (see pic)
I tried the following:
- got out from the maquette all xmulti objects
- connected all self outs to self ins in proper plain multichordseqs
- put back the newly created mchseqs in the maquette
but I get the same error. so these last mchseqs have inherited some offending data. is there a way to clean them up?
yes, I’m aware the xmulti lib is, well, buggy. although some features are incredibly handy I’ve learned the lesson and for the present time have suspended its use.
as usual, thanks in advance for any info or suggestions.
*edit: if I create a new xmulti and put it into the maquette, there’s no error when pressing m. if it helps, the old xmulti objects where created in om6.12.