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Ambisonics Decoder / OpenMusic /Alternative to Multiplayer

Hi there,

currently I am working with ambisonic files in OM 11/OMPrisma 2.35. Under MacOS I could use the Multiplayer, which “seamlessly integrates into the workflow in OM” and can be used for binaural decoding of ambisonic files (see http://articles.ircam.fr/textes/Schumacher10a/index.pdf).

Does anyone have recommendations for alternative ambisonic decoders for Linux (Ubuntu 14.04 in my case)?
It should be able to do binaural decoding and ideally may be integrated into OM as external player.

So far I tried to install ambdec (http://wiki.linuxaudio.org/apps/all/ambdec), but the installation failed because of a linking error I could not fix.
Moreover I thought about taking the audiofiles generated in OM and decode them in the DAW Reaper (http://www.reaper.fm/) with the help of the ATK plugin (http://www.ambisonictoolkit.net/). This works great under MacOS. Reaper also works under Linux with Wine, but unfortunately the plugin seems to be not recognised by reaper although I followed the instructions found on how to place the content in the reaper folder under windows… maybe a problem with wine?

It would be great to get some help and advise!
Thanks a lot in advance

Ok at least I could now fix the reaper problem… but I would still be interested in any recommendations for alternative ambisonic decoders in Linux which could be maybe directly integrated into OM.

Hi Elli.

Does anyone have recommendations for alternative ambisonic decoders for Linux

jconvolver. You can use any IRs with jconvolver, it expects to read them as RIFF/WAV files.

ambdec is much used, what kind of troubles do you see when installing it?

ATK is available in SuperCollider.

Any decoder built with Aaron Hellers ADT can be built as a plugin (lv2, ladspa,…) or standalone (jack).

IEM has ambisonics decoders for PD.


And of course we’ve got Thibauts Panoramix now:


It’s ‘integratable’ through OSC, if you need to control things from OM.

Hi Anders,

thanks a lot for your fast answer!
I tried installing ambdec as described here http://kokkinizita.linuxaudio.org/linuxaudio/downloads/ambdec-manual.pdf
Running “sudo make install” from within the source directory in ambdec revealed the following error message:

g++ -L/usr/X11R6/lib -o ambdec ambdec.o styles.o mainwin.o confwin.o radbut.o filewin.o jclient.o nffilt.o xover2.o decoder.o adconf.o sstring.o png2img.o meter.o -lclxclient -lclthreads -ljack -lpng -lXft -lX11 -lrt  
/usr/bin/ld: ambdec.o: undefined reference to symbol 'pthread_mutex_trylock@@GLIBC_2.2.5'  
//lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0: error adding symbols: DSO missing from command line  
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status  
make: *** [ambdec] Fehler 1  

Hi Elli. Seems the Makefile you’re using is missing -lpthread in its LDLIBS.

Add -lpthread to the two places it’s set in the Makefile, ie.:

ambdec: LDLIBS += -lclxclient -lclthreads -ljack -lpng -lXft -lX11 -lrt -lpthread


ambdec_cli: LDLIBS += -lclthreads -ljack -lrt -lpthread