Hi again,
I’ve made a conversion aed->xyz for a speakers configuration, but I can’t group lists…
I don’t think it’s very difficult but I don’t success…
using mapcar ?
converter.omp (5,1 Ko)
Hi again,
I’ve made a conversion aed->xyz for a speakers configuration, but I can’t group lists…
I don’t think it’s very difficult but I don’t success…
using mapcar ?
converter.omp (5,1 Ko)
How do you want to “group” your groups ?
example, patch ?
It’s for Spat,
That’s why handling that is very important for me…
For speakers location : hexaphony
((-0.5 0.87 0)
(0.5 0.87 0)
(1.0 0.0 0.0)
(0.5 -0.87 0)
(-0.5 -0.87 0)
(-1.0 0.0 0.0))
I always use aed for everything
((x1 y1 z1)
(xn yn zn))