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About Installation of FullSOL…


I’ve downloaded FullSOL and copied it there :


Now, how can I use it ? Only replace the name of the database in patchers ?

Many THX



Well not… orchidea.db.FullSOL.maxpat doesn’t exist…

But, in orchidea.solve.maxhelp, drag and drop FullSOL2020.spectrum.db works, so it sounds :




Now it exists : orchidea.db.FullSOL2020.maxpat (6,6 Ko)

to copy in /orchidea/patchers/



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Hi guys,

how can I download the FullSOL? The download links to an old Ircam Manifest page… I would re-awake my Ircam subscription; but I’d like to know the cost and the added content in comparison to the old SOL; I have one that’s approx. 14GB of samples… but it are mostly the same samples as the ‘orchidea-sol’ and some stuff which I suspect to be old VSL samples…

So before I spend money, I’d like to know if there is additional content (percussion etc…)… and what the price for fullSOL is…


here : https://forum.ircam.fr/projects/detail/fullsol/

I already found that page, but the download link goes to the old Manifest page…
Am I missing something…?

Do I need to first re-instate my subscription (I had one last year, but not this) to see the contents?
If so, can you please give a rough description about size, contents of instruments, etc compared to the OrchideaSOL (which is about 8GB) so I know it’s worth re-subscribing (everything works fine at the moment, so no real need to update other Ircam stuff…)

Thank & all the best,

Hi Joost,

You have also to sign in to the IRCAM Forum Home page (signing in only to the Discussion Room page won’t work.) Once you do that, Jérôme’s link works, and you can download without any issues.

All the best,

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Hi Antonio,

it’s weird… I am signed in correctly, I think (I can see my previous Ircam subscription in my account). But I suppose I need an active subscription to see any related page. Therefore again my question, could you maybe (very very shortly) explain what comes extra with the FullSOL, compared to the OrchideaSOL or the one I have already (which is 14GB, also called ‘FullSOL’ but very 'incomplete - no percussion, some woodwinds lacking, etc)…

I don’t really need a new subscription at the moment, but FullSOL interest me in it’s ability to access individual instrument-samples, especially if it would contain percussion-instruments, more multi phonics, etc…

Thanks for patience with my question :slight_smile:


FullSOL does indeed require, and is free for anyone with, a premium subscription… You can’t download it, otherwise.

It amounts in total to 19,91 Gb of audio samples. There’s no change in instrumentarium from previous releases, so there’s no Percussion…

Instrumentarium: Bass Tuba, Horn, Trombone, Trumpet in C, Accordion, Harp, Guitar, Violin, Viola, Violoncello, Contrabass, Bassoon, Bb Clarinet, Flute, Oboe, Alto Saxophone;

Number of playing techniques: 146;

Number of audio samples: 23819 (including 250 multiphonics’ audio samples.)

Hope this helps.

All the best,

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Thanks Antonio, that was the information I was looking for!
Thanks for the details!

All the best,

Thanks for this @smalllotus, happy that our forum is a place for solidarity in these times :wink:

I’m addiing this information to the ReadME, thanks @antonioflorenca

FYI, you don’t need to put any database INSIDE the Orchidea installation folder. Put them where you like and just drag and drop the db file.

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