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Ableton Live 12 crash…


I have a bug with both versions (AU and VST) of RAVE. When I click on ‘download model’ Ableton Live 12.1 crashes.

Here is the crashlogs,



Ableton Crash Report 2024-10-24 165655 Live 12.1.zip (296,5 Ko)

MacOS crashlog.txt (136,6 Ko)

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Still got the bug…

@chemla any idea ?

Not at all, and the configuration file does not help at all to point anything wrong… Furthermore this is exactly my personal configuration (OS, Ableton, architecture) and everything’s fine. Did you try on any other DAW?

It crashes with Reaper too

it works with VST 3 on reaper. AU crashes

Apart from these bugs, I manage to load a model

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