We are proud to announce the release of “Antescofo-importer”, a new tool to convert MusicXML files into Antescofo score files.
EDIT: from now one, the last version of antescofo_importer is embedded into AscoGraph. To import a file, just open AscoGraph and drag-n-drop your .xml or .mid file. You can also open the file with the “File/Open” menu.
Even if it is not integrated in AscoGraph yet, MAC OS users can use it by now. Download the importer here, then un-zip it:
It is extremely simple to use, although it is a command line tool. To import a file, just:
1° Double click on “antescofo_importer” in the downloaded folder “antescofo_importer_commandline_0.1.22”. A Terminal window pops up.
2° The Terminal asks you “Please enter the path to a MusicXML file”. To do so, you can either
– type the absolute path to the file you want to import.
– OR drag-and-drop the file icon in the Terminal: this would copy the file path.
3° Press the “Enter” key. A file xxxxx.asco.txt is instantaneously created in the same folder of the MusicXML file (where xxxxx.xml is the name of this file). Importation is done!
As the Antescofo-importer is very powerful, we strongly recommand you to:
– use it instead of the native AscoGraph importer.
– import MusicXML files instead of MIDI files.
Musical information is very incomplete and unreliable in MIDI files! MusicXML files can be easily obtained: all music editors like Finale or Sibelius allow to export your score in MusicXML format.
Today, Antescofo-importer should perfectly handle most of MusicXML (.xml and .mxl) files, even very complex scores. But if you encounter some bugs or importation errors, please contact us! Just post a message on this forum, or send an email to the team.