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A powerful MusicXML importer for Antescofo

We are proud to announce the release of “Antescofo-importer”, a new tool to convert MusicXML files into Antescofo score files.

EDIT: from now one, the last version of antescofo_importer is embedded into AscoGraph. To import a file, just open AscoGraph and drag-n-drop your .xml or .mid file. You can also open the file with the “File/Open” menu.

Even if it is not integrated in AscoGraph yet, MAC OS users can use it by now. Download the importer here, then un-zip it:

It is extremely simple to use, although it is a command line tool. To import a file, just:

1° Double click on “antescofo_importer” in the downloaded folder “antescofo_importer_commandline_0.1.22”. A Terminal window pops up.

2° The Terminal asks you “Please enter the path to a MusicXML file”. To do so, you can either
– type the absolute path to the file you want to import.
– OR drag-and-drop the file icon in the Terminal: this would copy the file path.

3° Press the “Enter” key. A file xxxxx.asco.txt is instantaneously created in the same folder of the MusicXML file (where xxxxx.xml is the name of this file). Importation is done!

As the Antescofo-importer is very powerful, we strongly recommand you to:
– use it instead of the native AscoGraph importer.
– import MusicXML files instead of MIDI files.
Musical information is very incomplete and unreliable in MIDI files! MusicXML files can be easily obtained: all music editors like Finale or Sibelius allow to export your score in MusicXML format.

Today, Antescofo-importer should perfectly handle most of MusicXML (.xml and .mxl) files, even very complex scores. But if you encounter some bugs or importation errors, please contact us! Just post a message on this forum, or send an email to the team.

Dear all,

I attract all Antescofo users’ attention to this post I am replying to, which describes our recent effort in converting MusicXML scores (from FINALE and SIBELIUS and potentially other editors) to Antescofo with full features. All thanks to efforts by @piechaud.

Apparently the email notification was not sent… Hoping this one would work… just click on the post link to see instructions and download the beta release.


Is the importer supposed to run under MAC OS 10.6.8 ? (I know I’m old fashioned;)



I believe @piechaud will respond to Importer’s compatibility with OS 10.6

However I should warn you that in the upcoming release of Antescofo v0.9, we can no longer support OS 10.6 on MAC and will set our minimal requirement to 10.7. This is simply because we have moved to C++11 and latest compiler technologies which no longer support 10.6 and less.

Get prepared! :slight_smile:

Hi Nadir,

The minimum requirement is in fact 10.7 for the importer (and soon for Antescofo itself).
As Arshia explained, the technical reason is because we’re fast moving towards “C++11”, and, for some reason, MacOS only supports this technology from 10.7 on.

I hope you can also move to 10.7 so to enjoy the latest features of Antescofo.

Let me know is this is unclear.


Usually (in my case) when robust terminal scripts or tasks fail it’s because of the OS version, so it’s time to move forward…
'cause your tools are so handy and powerful !

Yes Robert, Arshia’s warning is very clear : If I want to be part of Antescofo’s new Era I have to be up to date ! ;))
(Antescofo becomes a kind of oracle, isn’t it ?)

Thank you both.


A new version of Antescofo-Importer (v0.127) is now available for Mac OSX and Linux (command-line executables) correcting bugs and general robustness with complex score setups. Thanks to @piechaud.
