Hello @ch9 . In compliment to Jean-Louis’ response, mine on items 2 & 3:
Disclaimer: I am no longer an employee of Ircam. My response below reflects my opinion and that of the Antescofo Co who is the owner of the intellectual property behind Antescofo.
Short Version:
(2) the Pure Data version of Antescofo is as stable as the Max version. It has recently been featured in hour long concerts. Maybe @lemouton or @gilbert-nouno can shed light on this from their own experience.
(3) Antescofo Max/Pd objects are free to use and share (see long answer for details!). I can see that current Ircam Forum Licence does not cover the free software section of the Forum! In short: any personal and/or artistic (non-commercial) use/distribution of Antescofo objects are authorized (and heavily encouraged)! Packaging Antescofo for live performances (even in the case where a performance is monetized) enters this field (and again heavily encouraged!).
Long Version:
(2) The PureData Object has the same behavior as the Max Object. They share the same code-base and special care has been made so that no host interfere with performance. That’s why we don’t support some of the late fancy features in Max!
If you encounter any difficulty, let us know on this Forum! I am personally keen on fixing anything that comes up on the Pd Object. 
(3) Antescofo is developped and maintained jointly by Ircam and the Antescofo Company. As part of the deal in 2018, the two parties agreed that Antescofo Max/Pd objects should remain free for all artists (a wish shared by both parties and strongly esteemed at Antescofo Co). No commercial use of Antescofo is authorized without direct permission of Antescofo Co. All artistic use/distribution of Max/Pd objects is ofcourse exempted and highly encouraged.
We, at Antescofo Co, never asked for obligatory login to download Max/Pd objects. I would personally prefer its availability without any barrier but I believe our friends at Ircam Forum had good reasons to impose that. In any case, it is not a sign to evade you from using/composing/performing with Antescofo. 
Any insights on the above from Ircam Forum director(s) would be welcome.
I will be happy to assist further if needed. But in short: Antescofo became free for Max/Pd so people wouldn’t worry about such stuff.