Hi Antonio, As I mentioned already in my first reply you find some useful tools precompiled for Anaconda python on the Anaconda roebel channel. All these are python3, and I don't see why this should not work for Mojave. Most interestingly for you may be the EASDIF package ready to be installed into Anaconda for Linux and MacOS. There is also quite good support for reading more or less all uncompressed sound files into python with the pysndfile package build around the libsndfile library. In case you are not using Anaconda (or you use windows) you could compile from sources For easdif you have the sources here The description for compiling is here, (this includes windows instructions that worked at some point in time) and for compiling python interfaces here There are special targets for creating and installing the python modules, it comes down to this sequence of commands: ` svn checkout svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/sdif/code/trunk/Easdif EASDIF_SDIF mkdir -p build_easdif cd build_easdif cmake ../EASDIF_SDIF -DPYTHON:PATH=python3 -DEASDIF_DO_PYTHON:bool=on make pythonswig make install_python_easdif_module_globally # alternatively in case you are not allowed to install globally you can use the target that installs for the current user make install_python_easdif_module_locally ` Concerning pysndfile you can also find it on pypi here this will work again only on macos and linux, and in case you would like to compile for windows you can look into the sources here or here Best, Axel