Dear Karim,
I hope that this thread is still pertinent, although I am using an obsolete macOS:
I am trying to import my patches into another laptop and when I try to synthesise am receiving this error in the listener.
Is it because now Csound is in double samples and the library is meant for OSX 11.?
I tried to use the trick indicated in the OM Chroma library home but it does not work either…
Thanks in advance
OM > “Start synthesis”
OM > “------ Matrix n. 1 --------”
OM2Csound :: ======================================
OM2Csound :: ======================================
Orchestra: #P"/Users//Desktop/test_workspace/out-files/test001.orc"
Score: #P"/Users//Desktop/test_workspace/out-files/test001.sco"
Output: #P"/Users//Desktop/test_workspace/out-files/test001.tmp"
:: “/usr/local/bin/csound” -f -m7 -N -g -b8192 -B8192 -A "/Users//Desktop/test_workspace/out-files/test001.orc" “/Users//Desktop/test_workspace/out-files/test001.sco" -o "/Users//Desktop/test_workspace/out-files/test001.tmp”
:: orchname: /Users//Desktop/test_workspace/out-files/test001.orc
:: rtaudio: PortAudio module enabled …
:: e[musing callback interface
:: e[mrtmidi: PortMIDI module enabled
:: e[msorting score …
:: … done
:: --Csound version 6.17 (double samples) Feb 2 2022
:: [commit: deff4f9aaeaf44f7db445c215f004bca8d50901f]
:: e[mlibsndfile-1.0.31
:: e[mgraphics suppressed, ascii substituted
:: sr = 48000.0,e[m kr = 48000.000,e[m ksmps = 1
:: e[m0dBFS level = 8388607.0,e[m A4 tuning = 440.0
:: e[morch now loaded
:: e[maudio buffered in 8192 sample-frame blocks
:: e[mdyld: lazy symbol binding failed: Symbol not found: ____chkstk_darwin
:: Referenced from: /Library/Frameworks/CsoundLib64.framework/Versions/6.0/…/…/libs/libsndfile.1.dylib (which was built for Mac OS X 11.0)
:: Expected in: /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
:: dyld: Symbol not found: ____chkstk_darwin
:: Referenced from: /Library/Frameworks/CsoundLib64.framework/Versions/6.0/…/…/libs/libsndfile.1.dylib (which was built for Mac OS X 11.0)
:: Expected in: /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
:: csound command: Abort trap
:: inactive allocs returned to freespace
:: end of score. overall amps:e[m 0.0
:: 0 errors in performance
:: e[ma beep!
:: e[m
Removing files:
Loading sound file info: '/Users//Desktop/test_workspace/out-files/test001.aiff’
Error loading file #P"/Users//Desktop/test_workspace/out-files/test001.aiff"
OM => #<sound 40200591AB>