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Unable to synthesize OM 6.20 macOS 10.13.6 Chroma 5.2

Dear Karim,

I hope that this thread is still pertinent, although I am using an obsolete macOS:
I am trying to import my patches into another laptop and when I try to synthesise am receiving this error in the listener.
Is it because now Csound is in double samples and the library is meant for OSX 11.?
I tried to use the trick indicated in the OM Chroma library home but it does not work either…

Thanks in advance


OM > “Start synthesis”
OM > “------ Matrix n. 1 --------”
OM2Csound :: ======================================
OM2Csound :: ======================================

Orchestra: #P"/Users//Desktop/test_workspace/out-files/test001.orc"
Score: #P"/Users/
Output: #P"/Users//Desktop/test_workspace/out-files/test001.tmp"
:: “/usr/local/bin/csound” -f -m7 -N -g -b8192 -B8192 -A "/Users/
/Desktop/test_workspace/out-files/test001.orc" “/Users//Desktop/test_workspace/out-files/test001.sco" -o "/Users//Desktop/test_workspace/out-files/test001.tmp”
:: orchname: /Users//Desktop/test_workspace/out-files/test001.orc
:: rtaudio: PortAudio module enabled …
:: e[musing callback interface
:: e[mrtmidi: PortMIDI module enabled
:: e[msorting score …
:: … done
:: --Csound version 6.17 (double samples) Feb 2 2022
:: [commit: deff4f9aaeaf44f7db445c215f004bca8d50901f]
:: e[mlibsndfile-1.0.31
:: e[mgraphics suppressed, ascii substituted
:: sr = 48000.0,e[m kr = 48000.000,e[m ksmps = 1
:: e[m0dBFS level = 8388607.0,e[m A4 tuning = 440.0
:: e[morch now loaded
:: e[maudio buffered in 8192 sample-frame blocks
:: e[mdyld: lazy symbol binding failed: Symbol not found: ____chkstk_darwin
:: Referenced from: /Library/Frameworks/CsoundLib64.framework/Versions/6.0/…/…/libs/libsndfile.1.dylib (which was built for Mac OS X 11.0)
:: Expected in: /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
:: dyld: Symbol not found: ____chkstk_darwin
:: Referenced from: /Library/Frameworks/CsoundLib64.framework/Versions/6.0/…/…/libs/libsndfile.1.dylib (which was built for Mac OS X 11.0)
:: Expected in: /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
:: csound command: Abort trap
:: inactive allocs returned to freespace
:: end of score. overall amps:e[m 0.0
:: 0 errors in performance
:: e[ma beep!
:: e[m
Removing files:
Loading sound file info: '/Users//Desktop/test_workspace/out-files/test001.aiff’
Error loading file #P"/Users/
OM => #<sound 40200591AB>

Hi Claudia,

Apparently it is the libsndfile.dylib that is causing this error.
Can you give us some specs on: your Mac (type, cpu, etc.) M1 (?)

  • if possible. attach patch+.orc and .sco


Dear Claudia,

Just tested om2csound with csound 6.17 (double floats) [same version you are using], on Catalina 10.15.7 OM 6.20 without any problems. So it must be something else concerning your machine’s cpu (what Mac model you are using?) and the related libsndfile.dylib, (maybe ?)


Dear Karim, thank you very much. Yes I tested it also on another machine of a colleague and it worked there as well, so it is as you say: the libsndfile.dylib … it’s one of those of the ‘enterprise’ machines MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2015), so there might be some weird configs :
Anyway I am going to use my personal Macbook for these following weeks but I remain curious to understand why it did not work.

Wish you a nice day,


Dear Claudia,

Yes this is really strange, since the retina MBPro has also an intel cpu, which should be compatible with the sndlib delivered with OM. It could be that someone installed or copied somewhere (homebrew, macports, ?) another non compatible lib.


Hi All,

Sorry to renew this topic, but I am in my classroom, and I have experienced the exact same problem, with same error about libsndfile.1.dylib. This is the setting:

  • OM 7.0
  • OMChroma 5.2
  • om2csound 2.4
  • Csound 6.17
  • OsX HighSierra 13.3.6
  • iMac (21.5-inch, Late 2015), 2,8 GHz Intel Core i5, 8 GB 1867 MHz DDR3, Intel Iris Pro Graphics 6200 1536 MB
    Must I recompile libsndfile.1.dylib on this system? If yes, by what procedure?

Many Thanks in advance, OMChroma Csound and OM will be very necessary for next year course…



P.S.: same situation using OM2Csound examples in tutorial.

Hi fdsdb.

Thank you for reporting this issue. It appears that the lib (libsndfile) is not compatible with i5 processors. So yes it should be recompiled.
Do you have macports or homebrew installed on this computer?


Hi Karim,

Thank you for reply. No, unfortunately I have no macports or homebrew installed on this computer, but eventually I can install it tomorrow (now I am going home). So if you kindly have some suggestion tomorrow in launch pause I can work on that. On my home computer I have macport, here I can install one or another indifferently.

Thank you, ciao


Hi Fabio,

If your computer’s cpu is deifferent than the one you are using this will not work. The best is to install on the target computer macports or better homebrew and install then the libsndfile and all will work perfectly that is if this library supports the cpu (that i am practically sure of it).


Hi Karim,

Thank you, I know, I meant I coud install on classroom computer macport or homebrew. This morning I tested macport, I have installed libsndfile, but without resolving anything, I receive the same error. Next week I can try uninstalling macport and installing libsndfile by homebrew. I keep you updated about it, I hope to resolve. It is all very strange.

Thank you, ciao


No not necessary so.
Please try to locate the libsndfile.dylib installed by macports, (apparently it is not in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH, but this is ok), and replace the one in OM 7.0 (in the app, use show package contents right-click) go to Contents/Frameworks and there replace the libsndfile.dylib from macports with the one inside the folder. Please make sure it is not an alias and make sure it has the same name (case)…


Hi Karim,

Thank you, I think I have understood. Next Tuesday I am in Institute, so I can test this solution, I will update you.

Thank you, have a good time, ciao


Hi Karim,

Resoved. I have installed libsndfile by MacPorts, and copied the file and renamed inside the CsoundFramework/lib location, as specified in the error notification in OM Listener.

Now it seems to run perfectly, thank you,ciao


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Dear Fabio,

This is great then. We will try to look forward to a more universal lib strategy but this will take some time.
