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Problem with PortMidi with a POLY

Dear Karim, @haddad

I’ve generate a POLY from bach.score, it looks ok, but :

  • When I use OSC (R-UDP-player 13) it’s ok
  • When I use PortMidi (SimpleSynth) it sounds one tone lower.

Maybe it’s a known bug ?

Here’s the patch :

From-bach.omp (171,6 Ko)

In Max, the rendering is well in A minor.

Thank you in advance,



Dear Jerome,

Ca you supply us with these info:

  1. What OS ?
  2. What OM version ?
  3. If possible, sending a screenshot of your OM Midi preferences



I use OSX 10.14.6 and OM 6.16.

I’ve tried that :

Same results…

Dear Jerome,

This is a bug which is fixed. It happens when you use pitchwheel once. Then everythig gets detuned badly.
So here is a patch for the fix. However i wonder why you sent a pitchweel message for a 1/2 te;pered score ???

anyhow. this will be fixed in the new relaease.
pitchbend_fix260320.lisp (337 Bytes)

Dear Karim,

Actually, I only import an [exportom] from bach… my bach.score is set to use 8th of tone. I’ve tried to set semitones division, but it’s for display only, the export always works in 8th of tone. you can see there’re some 8th tones in the patch I send to you. I will try to change the 8th of tone for a well-tempered system in bach.score.

I’ve put your fix a the right place but It doenst’t work. it was already exist, I think I had installed it following a previous discussion.



No, I did the test, and it seems that bach.score always works in 8th of tone whatever I set.

bach-POLY.omp (168,5 Ko)

Is there something different ?



Here’s another patch, I’ve forced orchidea to create a semi-tone score. but same transposition…

bach-poly-temperate.omp (166,0 Ko)

hoping it helps,


Theoretically, if you want to use 1/8th tone, the old style OM, you should first uncheck as shown here:

And use the patch already sent.
This is of course a momentary bugfix, until we decide what to do with these features that are somehow unstable as you have noticed.
Now if you applied the patch after pitchbending, you should:

  1. Apply the patch
  2. check out the options in the preferences (see screenshot)
  3. reset pitchwheel to (0 0 0 0)
  4. detune again to (0 25 50 75)

This is the explicit way to have 1/8th tones.
Your patch is ok nothing wrong apparently with your export. I didn’t see your 1/8th because i had a standard preferences display to 1/2 while importing your patch.
Sorry about that,

Take care.

you mean this : Issue with OM 6.16 on linux and micro intervals

Well… How can I do that ?




Please take a look on tutorial 10 (second part below). Two pitchwheel methods. One with first input (0 0 0 0) which resets the channels to normal pitchbedn, the other, with (0 25 50 75) to set it up in 1/8th.
We are working on a tutorial upgrade. Coming soon.


Dear Karim.

Of course, it’s basic, I’m really sorry… I will told to MyOrch users to use OSC, which sounds well…
I will also make a patch for that…

Many thanks,

Keep safe,


Dear Karim,

I’ve found the solution by using SimpleSynth via IAC driver.

image in the WSPC preferences

and :


And it’s ok !

