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MusicXML exported from OpenMusic is invalid

Hi Nige, Hi Michael,

Can you send me the om voice of this rhythm ?
I will check it out for sure. I might have forgotten something.


…Looking at it now i think the problem comes from the meter.
OM doesn’t take into account explicitly beat = dotted quarter note
In fact it depends on how we write the om tree here. 12/8 could be considered in om as as equal to 6/4 or 3/2
(This might explain the 13:10 => 26:15 )
so it is difficult for me to perceive the original rhythm.
Will work on this as soon as i have the original om tree,


…nevermind, got your tree is it this (without the rests of course)? :

(? (((12 8) ((12 ((4 (1 4 4)) (5 (2 1 1)) (7 (3 2 1 1 1 1)) (10 (1 2 3 7))))))))

Will test it right now on Finale.

Got it … Bug… in the tuplets, will fix this asap !
Sorry My bad!

Hi all,

Ok here is a fix. Please do replace [if you did put the patch export-mxml-new-vers5.lisp ] with this.
And please do feel free to report any kind of problem.
It is still not definitive. I have jsut noticed that automatic beaming is not that efficient and will try to fix it…


export-mxml-new-vers7.lisp (67.8 KB)

Dear Karim,

Thanks for your work on this. I’m on the road but will report back when I’m home. Greetings from Darmstadt,


this is the latest version where hopefully nested tuplets are correct (works only on Finale , Sibelius (maybe ?))
and fixed group beaming

PS: Please do feel free to report any problems and issues. I will try to fix these. However remember 1/4 tones are not
really well supported by other applications.

export-mxml-new-vers8.lisp (66.9 KB)

Dear Karim,

Thanks and congratulations on this fix! The Finale results are as expected and correct. The Sibelius results are much improved, but the last tuplet [13:10] seems to be missing. What I suspect has happened is that the rhythm is correct, and Sibelius has failed to place the tuplet bracket in the right place, rather placing it somewhere inappropriate or inaccessible. I could however be wrong!

Thanks, and best,



Hi Nige,

Great to know. Unfortunately we can’t test if it is a specific Sibelius issue or the export’s one.
However your examples show also a small flow with my export. It’s the beaming. Sibelius apparently automatize it and not Finale when there are rest in between Beams. I think i can manage this. As soon as i fix it i will send another update.
I really appreciate your feedback.
Thanx a lot.


Dear Karim,

I’ve found another issue. When attempting to export a musicXML file from a voice instance, I get the following error:

Error while evaluating the box EXPORT-MUSICXML : Arithmetic error in > of ((4 11) 0): Arguments must be real numbers.

Please find attached the .omi

All best,


test4.omi (653 KB)

Thx Nige,

Located and fixed the bug. But thanks to your example i located another one that i am fixing.
I will be posting a new release ASAP.


Dear Karim,

I would like to use OM with Sibelius and i have the same problem: i can’t export files with nested tuplets. I’ve tried all of your lisp files from this topic - none of them work… With OM 6.18 i have the same result. Xml file produced by OM looks like that in Sibelius.



hi viatoris

can you pleqse:
1 try to remove all extra code from ini file
2 restart om
3 try again

if doesn’t work please can u tell what version of sibelius

Thank you for your reply, Karim!
I did anything you asked: the situation has not changed.

Sibelius 8.5.0


this means it is broken on Sibelius. Note that neted tuplets don7t work neither on musescor via xml import.
So sorry this has to wait, since my right arm in a cast and cn’t really type code for th time being. Furthermore i don’t have Sibelius so i can fix this.
Lets put this in standby.