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MusicXML and Dorico vs Finale

Dear colleagues, I’m trying to import MusicXML from Open Music. In Dorico, only a few bars are displayed, but all the measures show up in Finale. Dorico presented 12 and a half A4 pages with error code.

I posted a question about this at the Dorico user-group on FaceBook. Including the MusicXML file.

Dominik Svoboda wrote:
I found two errors in xml file…

  1. is repetitive declaration of instrument names (<instrument id="“P1-I1”/>, <instrument id="“Pnil-I1”/> ) in many lines in note element…that cause big error in many notation softwares…
  2. is bad tuplet types named “nil” (nil), I do not know what it is but that cause deleted notes in tuplet in Dorico

Mr Svoboda gave me the following link, and after uploading and downloading the MusicXML file, the file was correct. https://dominiksvoboda.com/partjoint/

Is it a way I can add “something” to the export-musicxml that can solve the problem? And there is no problem import-musicxml into Dorico. So something is lost in translation on the way out.

Best, Dagfinn

MusicXML to Dorico.omp (97.1 KB)

Hello Dagfinn,

=> This was added recently in order to allow for OM-MusicXML export to preserve individual MIDI channel for each note in the score. See this previous thread:

I think this was tested on Finale at the time, and seems to have caused no problem so far.

However, some of the instrument names are wrong: <instrument id="“Pnil-I1”/> and this is a bug in the export procedure. I’ve just fixed it (will be included in your next OM update).

That’s another bug.

The two previous bugs are fixed and pushed in the code repository. These corrections will be included in future releases.

If you need a temporary solution in OM 6.15, you can take the whole export-mxml.lisp file from this repository, and copy it in the OM application’s “init” folder, or in your workspace’s “user” folder (and remove it after upgrading OM).

Jean, thanks a lot for the answer!

I have an amateurish question though: I haven’t figured out, where to find the .lisp file in the repository on Git Hub.

There is the raw code, but I do not have any knowledge on how to make a .lisp file to be copied into my Work Space “user” folder.

Best, Dagfinn

There’s several options. One of them is to use the “Raw” button and right-click / save the target file to your disk.

Jean, both the download and the file itself did function. Thanks a lot!

Best, Dagfinn