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How to XY Position in iMubu from specific data index/buffer index

Hey together,

i need to get the XY position in iMubu of specific data index and buffer index pairs.
my process is:
1 - load in sample A
2 - play a cluster of grains ( eg. with urn ), lets say one of the grains has the data idx 1 and buffer idx 2.
3 - load in another sample in addition to A. what now happens is that the position of the grain of sample A with eg. data idx1 and buffer-idx 2 is not the same as in step 1 and 2.

how do I get the new position of the grain?

Kind Regs

Hi Dirk, the positions are scaled versions of the descriptor values from the chosen columns in the descr track.
Look at mubu.track help how to access them (hint: the get message gives you 1 or all values for a buffer), and then at the current version of camu.control.blocks, which shows how to loop over all buffers and scale them.