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GraphicsPort error (bis)

Hi everyone,

I was hoping someone could help here - having got OM 7.4 up and running and done some useful work towards a new piece, I just tried to open it up again, and got the attached message.

I notice that this has come up before - would someone be able to let me know what the solution was please?



Screenshot 2023-12-17 at 10.07.18

Immediate update: it seems to be intermittent; it just opened with no issue…
Is there a way to eliminate this altogether please?

Dear phil,
Did this happen before or after the workspace dialog at om’s Startup?
Did you put something extra in your workspace?
Better, send me your workspace in order to see whats going wrong.

Hello Karim,
it also happens to me out of pretty random… and it makes workspaces get corrupted…
My workspace have no extra, just patches and audio-files. do you need me to send them?
My overall impression is that LispWorks is a very unstable foundation, aren’t there any alternative we as community could start to consider to make OM stable?
Anyway, thanks like always

It also happens AFTER the initial dialog, it happens during the loading of the workspace

Ok Karim, think I’ve got some more insight.
As many I’m working on a cloud-synced folder for my projects. If I copy the workspace in my desktop folder on Mac I can open it again. Some file permission, attribute stuff? That would be important to know as it should not be prevented to work with cloud synchronization… if it’s the cause.

Dear Ratox,

No this has nothing to do with LW. And, no there is no “easy” alternative to LW. LW CAPI package is very stable. I think there is a weird bug on mac OM version involving workspace layout. Unfortunately i am not able to reproduce these errors.
However, you might try this:

  1. create a new workspace
  2. copy your patches form the “corrupted” workspace to this one this should do it.

Question that maybe can help me track this bug down:

  • Did you change the icon to list appearance of your worlspace?


yes I always MUST change the icon to list as icons get messed around everhywhere and superimposed so you can’t really use icon layout… is there a connection?
Have a nice summer in any case!

I believe so.
Did you also change this in the Om preferences also (in appearence tab?)


no, can I do it?

  1. I copied the workspace giving error on my desktop
  2. I deleted the original workspace
  3. I copied back the one on the desktop back in place.
  4. Now it opens!

Very Strange.
I will try to reproduce this error. and get back to you.


Dear Users,

I think i found the Hidieous bug!
Here is a patch for testing:
patch2.lisp (1.6 KB)

Put this file in your init folder inside OM app (in Macosx: use right-click on OM application and choose ‘Show Package Contents’)

and please report back.


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thanks Karim, I’m back to work, testing right now!